Web Solutions

Person working on a laptop with graphics and web design terms popping out of the screen

Website design and development

Websites come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, form and function, and so do our solutions to meet your needs. From a small ‘brochure’ website that serves to quickly inform its users. And graphically rich interactive sites for targeted marketing. To a dynamic website catalogue of products and services with secure online payment. We have the experience to confidently handle your requirements.

Sometimes it’s a journey. We recognise that creating a web solution often needs to happen in stages, at your pace and budget. You grow, we grow with you.

Fast, accessible, mobile websites

We take care to ensure that your website is as reliable as your business. Your customers deserve a great experience, and first impressions count.

Too often we see a beautiful website that is let down by a poor mobile experience or by how long it takes to load. This kind of friction causes users to go elsewhere. Around two-thirds of web browsing now takes place on a smart phone – so, we advocate mobile-first design.

Optimised from the ground up

Search engine optimisation from the get-go. Whenever we (re)build or add to a website, we do so with web standards and SEO in mind. By keeping up with the latest web browser technology and Google guidelines, we are able to deliver websites that look great on all modern devices and index well in search engines.

Managed websites excel

Having a website that you can amend and administer yourself can be a cost-saver. Be honest though, when was the last time you posted something new or gave existing content a refresh? Did you update the website software?

Unmaintained websites suffer rot. They fade and become vulnerable. What do we mean by those terms?


A website rots when it stops speaking to or working for its audience. This could be obsolete terms, out-dated language or broken links. It’s most obvious when its latest blog post has a time stamp from two years ago!


The constant supply of new features in web browsers create advancing trends and styles in the way websites look and feel. This means that users come to expect a certain standard, so websites that don’t keep up will fade with time.


All websites rely on some underlying software to function. Usually, regular updates are released by the vendor to bring new features, fix issues or plug vulnerabilities. The latter is an area with which your website must keep up.

More on security, and WordPress

WordPress logo

Software vulnerabilities are often published in detail by third parties. And if done ethically, this will be after the software vendor has released a software update in good time. Some vendors and organisations offer ‘bug bounties’ to security researchers (ethical hackers).

Malicious hackers will be ready to exploit vulnerabilities in software that has yet to be updated. The risk is more acute for always-on Internet-connected software. As a web host, we see bots scanning our websites every second of every day.

WordPress is very popular publishing software, but such popularity also works the other way making it a prime target for attack. To leave it unmanaged is very risky. For this reason, we offer WordPress security and maintenance packages.

We recommend the latest technology not for the sake of it, but because it’s safer, increasingly accessible, and ultimately more engaging.

Not just websites

With our web solutions, we aim big to encompass a broad range of complimentary services, including:

  • API integrations
  • Content management systems
  • Database and interface design
  • Domain names
  • Email signatures
  • Form and survey design
  • Google Ads
  • Logo design
  • Mass mailing (email, text and WhatsApp)
  • PowerPoint design
  • Search-optimised content
  • Web hosting
  • Website live chat

Reach out to us about anything and we’ll be happy to advise.

About Active MediaForge

Active MediaForge logo

Our recent acquisition of Actopia and its expertise in web solutions (under the brand Active MediaForge) means CMC Technology Group can now offer all these great services. Keeping your business connected with next-level technology. Learn more…